Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Home Repair Mission Workcamp

More than 350 Work Camp youth, adult leaders, mission workcamp staff and local volunteers are busy this week repairing homes throughout Clay County, MN.  Youth arrived on Sunday, July 14 and will be leaving on Saturday, July 20th.  To learn more about the Workcamp, you can visit the Lakes & Prairies' website.  Here are some pictures from the first day of camp.

Heeading out from Hawley High School on first day.
Home repair for safety and stability

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Join us on Tuesday, April 16th, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, for a Regional Convening of Connecting to End Poverty -- A Minnesota Without Poverty gathering.  The meeting will take place:
St. Joseph's Gathering Place
1013 3rd Ave S., Moorhead, MN. 

Engage and discuss how the MN Legislative Commission to End Poverty (LCEP) recommendations can be moved forward during the 2013 legislative session.  Gatherings have taken place across the State of MN with the goal of making sure the LCEP and, its current efforts as being explored by the MN legislature's "Ladders Out of Poverty" commission continue to press forward to strengthen our State.

RSVP is appreciated in order to have adequate materials and light refreshments, but, is not required --  by email RSVP at info@lakesandprairies.net or call
218-299-7000 or toll free

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Senator Heitcamp receives Plaque

National Community Action Foundation - Annual Conference -            March, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

Dear Elected Officials

Dear President Obama and elected officials,

Every day at Lakes & Prairies Head Start we learn lessons that are important in life.  In a classroom full of four year olds each of us face daily challenges that provide many opportunities to learn and solve problems.  Head Start is happy to share with you some ideas that are very effective in solving problems. 

Head Start teaches us to; use our words and work together, remember to take turns (you may not always get to be first), biting, name calling and tantrums are never good.  Head Start reminds us that even as a four year old, fair isn’t everybody getting the same thing, fair is everybody getting what they need to be successful.

Thank you for reading our letter.  We hope it helps you and your friends remember that we are counting on you to help us get what we need to be successful…..a Head Start.


The 258 preschool children attending Lakes & Prairies Head Start

Pam Bernstein, Director