Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mobile Surplus Food Drop scheduled for Wilkin Co.

Mark your calendars!  Thursday, May 24th has been set for the Free Surplus Food Drop in the communities of Rothsay, Campbell and Breckenridge.  Your help in getting the word out to those who would benefit is appreciated.  There are no income eligibility qualifications to participate.  If you eat, you are eligible.  Thank you to our community partners for their part in making this possible

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tax Filing Season a Success Thanks to Volunteers

Thanks to the work of 27 volunteers who contributed 897 hours of their time to assist low and moderate income households with their 2011 tax filings, we can report:
  • Federal and State refunds of $1,538,761 for 709 households
  • An estimated $170,000 saved in filing fees
  • Screenings of 182 households for eligibility for other benefits
Doing the math:  Whether tax site volunteers were greeters, tax preparers, reviewers, or providing clerical support, each hour any volunteer contributed had the outccome of refunding an average of $2,170 to an individual or family.  Volunteers do make a difference! 
Volunteers represented their communities, Concordia College,
Minnesota State University - Moorhead (MSUM), and
North Dakota State University
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) services were offered in Moorhead, Hawley, Barnesville and Breckenridge, MN.  Volunteers and support staff celebrated their accomplishments with a meal, a half hour of Zumba, and some bowling for those who still had the energy.  Thank you volunteers!  Our thanks to West Central Initiative,and Bank of the West, for their generosity and helping make this program possible.  Our thanks to the IRS team in Fargo, ND who provided valuable support from start to finish and a grant from the MN Department of Revenue.