Top Ten Lakes and Prairies CAP
Head Start Outcomes!
Our program has been fully enrolled with a waiting list all year.
Our average daily attendance is 88 percent.
We are one of eight Head Start programs in the nation selected as members of a Learning Community around Parent, Family, & Community Engagement.
96.3% of enrolled Head Start children left last year’s program up-to-date on a schedule of preventive well child care.
98.7% of children left the program having had a dental exam. All of these children left with a “dental home” also.
99.6% children left the program with all of their immunizations up-to-date.
There were 57,915 nutritious meals and snack served to Lakes and Prairies Head Start children this year.
Each child enrolled in one of our classrooms had 65 hours of large motor play outside or in the gym this school year.
School Readiness Goals are aligned with the Minnesota Early Learning Standards and the Head start Outcomes Framework.
All CLASS observations have met or exceeded the minimal criteria as determined by the Office of Head Start