You are eligibile to access this service if you:
- Are a Minnesota resident,
- Have an income at or below $30,000 for an individual or $50,000 for a family, and
- Do NOT operate your own small business or work as an independent contractor.
Tax preparation appointments can be made by calling 218-299-7000 or toll free 800-452-3646 anytime weekdays from 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Please note, no walk-in appointments are available. All appointments must be scheduled in advance. Please be sure to have all your W-2s and other required paperwork..
Locations and Times:
What to Bring:
Severe Weather Cancellations: When there is a possibility that weather conditions may result in a cancellation of appointments, we will try to call you. We also encourage you to call us or visit this Blog from our Lakes & Prairies Home page.