An estimated 55-60 people attended A Minnesota Without Poverty gathering in Moorhead, MN. The event included presentations and reflections from:
Bishop Larry Wohlrabe, Bishop, Northwestern Minnesota Synod ELCA,
Bishop Michael Hoeppner, Bishop of the Crookston Diocese, and,
Gregory Gray, Director, Legislative Commission to End Poverty in Minnesota by 2020.
Joe Pederson, Executive Director of Lakes & Prairies Community Action Partnership,
shared a history of how we got to where we are today as well as moderated the event. Those attending received an Executive Summary of the Commission’s work that Gregory Gray brought with him. In addition, those attending received Rooting Out Poverty badges and the Community Action Partnership Executive Summary of the Rooting Out Poverty campaign. Planning was aided by materials from Rev. Nancy Maeker, Acting Director for A Minnesota Without Poverty, Minnesota Council of Churches.